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New Versions of Find My iPhone, MobileMe iDisk Apps

Posted by Junaid Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New versions of Apple’s
iOS applications, Find My iPhone and MobileMe iDisk are now available
for download from the iTunes App Store, both updates fixing several
issues encountered by customers, as well as adding support for new

First and foremost, Apple released Find My iPhone 1.0.1 to add support for the new iPod touch.

fixes have been made for French, German, and Japanese languages, while
various bug fixes are also scattered around the new version.

for MobileMe customers, the Find My iPhone iOS app can locate your
iPhone or iPad on a map, display a message and optionally play a sound
for two minutes at full volume, remotely set a passcode lock on your
device, and even remotely wipe it.

Find My iPhone currently still requires iOS 3.1.3 as the minimum firmware version.

Download Find My iPhone (Free)

Mobile Me

New Versions of Find My iPhone, MobileMe iDisk Apps 

MobileMe iDisk, the application allowing users to view and share the
files on their iDisk right from their iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, has
been promoted to version 1.2.1.

The update reportedly fixes an
issue that prevented package files (e.g. some Keynote files) from
opening in the corresponding iPad apps, and shows rotated images in the
correct orientation when opened.

Various stability and performance improvements are also included in the new package, Apple says.
This application also requires the user to have a MobileMe subscription.

Using the app, customers can view files on their iDisk, including
iWork, Microsoft Office, PDFs, QuickTime movies, JPEGs and more.
Apple is yet to allow customers to view files larger than 20MB, although exceptions may be encountered.
The application facilitates file sharing, and allows quick access to recently viewed documents and public folders.
MobileMe iDisk is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad and also requires iOS 3.1.3 or later.

Download MobileMe iDisk (Free)

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